All pages should be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. The entire manuscript should be double-spaced on a standard A4 sheet, written in font Times New Roman, size 12 in a maximum of 20 typed pages.
Page 1 should contain
• Title of the manuscript: you should ensure that your articles don’t have regionally restrictive titles.
• Running head: Authors MUST provide a short running title of no more than 50 characters, including spaces.
• Last names of author(s) followed by initials.
• Institutional affiliation of the author(s): (if an author’s present affiliation is different from the affiliation under which the work was done, list both);
• Corresponding author’s name, mailing address, telephone and fax/telex number, official email address.
• Structured abstract: The abstract should be concise and informative. It should not exceed 350 words in length. It includes:
Introduction: Previous research in the studied subject
Aim of work: What is the problem being addressed? (Briefly describe the purpose of the work)
Materials and methods: How was the study performed? (Techniques and methods used)
Results: What are the findings and important data?
Conclusion: What is the significance?
No references should be cited in this part. Generally, non-standard abbreviations should not be used; if necessary they should be clearly defined in the abstract, at first use.
• Keywords
Immediately after the abstract, about 4-8 keywords should be given. Use of abbreviations should be avoided, only standard abbreviations, well known in the established area may be used, if appropriate.
Text: to be organized into
Introduction: Provide an actual background, a clearly defined problem, a proposed solution, a brief literature survey, and the scope and justification of the work done.
Aim of work: Briefly describe the purpose of the work
Materials and methods: Give adequate information on how the work has been done.
Consent: It should provide a statement to confirm that the patient has given their informed consent to participate in the study.
Ethical approval: It should provide a statement to confirm that the authors have obtained all necessary ethical approval from a suitable Institutional Committee. This confirms either that the study is not against the public interest, or that the release of information is allowed by legislation.
All manuscripts that deal with animal subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), Ethical Committee, or Animal Utilization Study Committee.
Data management: data collection and statistical analysis. Already published methods should be mentioned with references. Significant modifications of published methods and new methods should be described in detail.
Results: Tables and figures should be placed inside the text. It is suggested that the comment about the tables and figures should appear in the text after the appearance of the respective tables
and figures. Double spacing should be maintained throughout the table, including table headings and footnotes. Table headings should be placed above the table in bold. Footnotes should be placed below the table with superscript lowercase letters. Try to remove lines inside the tables.
Figures should be self-explanatory. Information presented in the figure should not be repeated in the table. All symbols and abbreviations used in the illustrations should be defined clearly. Tables and graphs or figures should have a maximum number of 5.
Discussion: The discussion should not repeat the results, but provide a detailed interpretation of data. This should interpret the significance of the findings of the work. Citations should be given in support of the findings. No tables or figures should be given without discussion or reference inside the text.
Conclusion: This should briefly state the major findings of the study.
Conflicts of interest: All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work.
Funding: All sources of funding should be declared. It should be brief.
Acknowledgment: The acknowledgments of people who assisted in manuscript preparation, funding for research, etc. should be listed in this section.
References: Citations in the text are by the name of the single or first and second author and the year of the publication. Where there are more than two authors, only the first author should be named followed by et al and the year of the publication. Where there is more than one reference for the same first author in the same year, they should be marked a, b, c, etc., in the text and the references. In this section, the names of all authors should be mentioned. In the case of multiple citations of the same first author, they are listed in chronological order starting with the oldest. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus.
- The number of references should not exceed 40 references.
- Thirty percent of the references should be from the last 5 years.
- It is preferable to add DOI for every reference. -References should be organized in alphabetical order, providing complete bibliographical data as per the samples below:
Journal articles: References in the English Language:
- Hansen J and Olsen JH (1994): Cancer morbidity among Danish female pharmacy technicians. Scand J Work Environ Health; 20:22-6.
- Hilly M, Adams ML and Nelson SC (2002): A study of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. Clin Exp Allergy; 32(4):489-98.
- Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM and Moore PK (2003): Pharmacology. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
- Chapters in Books: Marbury MC and Woods JE (1991): Building-related illnesses. In: Indoor Air Pollution. A Health Perspective (J M Samet, and J D Spengler, eds.) Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London. pp. 306-22.
References in Other Languages:
An English translation is needed according to the examples given:
Matyasovszky K, Soos K and Sohar J (1995): Polychlorinated biphenyls in human adipose tissue. (In Hungarian) Egeszsegtudomany ; 39:172-180.
Copyright Submission of a manuscript clearly indicates that: the study has not been published before or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (except as an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis); its publication is permitted by all authors and after accepted for publication it will not be submitted for publication anywhere else, in English or any other language, without the written approval of the author.
The manuscript should be sent through the journal’s website